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PAS Inpatient - Inpatient terms

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Below is a list of frequently used Inpatient terms.

The start of the consultant/GP episode of a patient’s continuous stay in hospital.

These include the following.

Admission: Elective Admission (Waiting List), - Patients awaiting elective admission for treatment and are currently available to be called for admission. No date of admission is given to the patient at the time of decision to admit.

Admission: Booked Admission, - A patient is admitted, electively having been given a date to come in at the time the decision was made to admit. The date is determined by the resource availability.

Admission: Planned Admission, - Patient admitted electively as part of a planned sequence of clinical care. The date is determined on clinical grounds, e.g. check cystoscopy or social criteria.

Emergency Admission, - A patient admitted to hospital when admission is unpredictable and at short notice due to clinical need.

Day Case Admission, - When a patient is treated during the course of a single day. Most day cases are episodes involving minor surgical procedures, - the patient having been on a waiting list.

Other Admission, - Patients other than elective or emergency admissions admitted to a hospital bed, e.g. transfer from another hospital.

Ward Attenders, - Patients attending a ward for care or minor treatment who do not require a bed, e.g. a bandage change.

Shared Care, - Where a patient is receiving treatment under the continuing care of two or more consultant teams. This does not include consultants who act in a purely advisory capacity.

Regular Day Attender, - A patient is expected to be admitted for a planned sequence of days and returns home for the remainder of the 24-hour period, e.g. dialysis

Regular Night Attender, - A patient is expected to be admitted for a planned sequence of nights and returns home for the remainder of the 24-hour period.

Interval Admission, - A patient is admitted for a planned sequence of care each involving at least one overnight stay.

PAS Inpatient - Inpatient terms