
Community information is currently provided by Livewell Southwest and University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust (UHP) and information, such as appointment information, referrals, allergies and problems will be available.

Viewing Community Information

There is no single menu item for Community data. Available information is accessed via the Clinical Document Viewer (CDV) tree as indicated in the table below.

Community information
CDV Tree Menu Community services information
 Alerts & Risks  Current and historical allergies and adverse reactions
 Clinical Notes  Clinical items relating to the care, health or wellbeing of the patient
 Correspondence  Administrative items related to the scheduling and administering of care
 Events  Encounters and referrals
 Medication  Medication (last 12 months or acute medication, current and discontinued repeat medication, all medication, all medication issues) and immunisations
 Observations  Observations such as blood pressure, weight and height
 Problems  Active and inactive problems and issues relating to a patient that impacts their health and wellbeing
 Summary Views  Summarised view of the key clinical information within a single view

Any CDV menu item that has information associated with it will expand when selected to indicate the source of the information. Selecting an item will then show the full detail within the main screen.