
Devon Partnership Trust are providing high level information about episodes of care and appointments from the Talkworks service. This is an NHS talking therapy service, part of IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies). Due to the potentially highly sensitive content not all data is available to view, but enquiries can determine contact with the Talkworks service, pathway progress and appointments recently completed or booked.

Viewing Talkworks Information

Talkworks data can be accessed via the Summary Views menu in the Clinical Document Viewer (CDV) menu – under the Mental Health Record DPT Talkworks (IAPT) link.

The Talkworks data is displayed in the following tabs.


A brief description of each of the tabs is provided below:

The patient demographic data stored in IAPTIS is provided. Note that this data does not form part of the Single Best Record and the information may therefore be different to the demographic details that are displayed in the header or the Full Demographics screen (see Section 6, Demographics).

The Episodes of Care tab provides a high-level view of the status of care being provided to a person.

The Assessments and Outcome Questionnaires indicates when assessments were completed and if a questionnaire was completed or the score.

Historic and booked appointment information is available from the Historical Appointments tab.

The Letters and Documents tab shows metadata for letters and documents rather than the letters and documents themselves. For further information users will need to contact Devon Partnership Trust.