
This guide relates to the Events and Appointments (Encounters) dashboard panel that is available from the patient summary screen. There is a separate guide to the overall operation of the dashboard panels. 


Currently encounter information available from the dashboard panel is limited to the organisations listed in the table below. Encounter information relating to other providers may be available from the Events and Summary Views menu items on the Clinical Document Viewer (CDV tree). 

Organisation Name 

Providing System 

Information Available 

Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CFT) 


Inpatient and Outpatient – appointment and attendance information 

Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (RCHT) 

PAS and Oceano 

Inpatient and Outpatient – appointment and attendance information 

Attendance information for Emergency 

Department, Urgent Care and Minor Injury Units 

University Hospitals 

Plymouth NHS Trust (UHP) 


Inpatient and Outpatient – appointment and attendance information 


Attendance information for Emergency Department. 

Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Trust (RDUH) 


Inpatient and Outpatient – appointment and attendance information 


Attendance information for Emergency Department. 


Information is shown in descending date order and indicates the event type, the source of information, the date of the event and the status of the event. 

Image showing a subset of the Events and Appointments dashboard panel 


Filters and Views 

The amount of information shown can be toggled to display more or less information by using the View mode on the far right of the summary screen. The four-bar symbol collapses the view to a summary ‘Compact view’, and the two-bar symbol expands to include the detail as shown above. 

The small arrow symbol collapses the dashboard tile. 

Image showing controls for individual dashboard panel 

The information can be further expanded by clicking on the down-arrow on the right-hand side of the event within the tile itself. 

Image showing individual item expended by use of the expand icon. 

Lastly, the display can be changed to a more tabular view by using the two-headed arrow in the title bar of the tile. The three ellipses toggle the same behaviour as two small symbols on the far right of the summary screen, but only for the selected tile. 

Image showing the controls for the Events and Appointments dashboard panel 


Image showing dashboard panel in Table format 



Hospital events will be displayed with one of two icons, the red building shaped icon indicates an Emergency Department event whilst the grey icon represents all other types of hospital event. 

The status of the event will be highlighted using flags which are self-explanatory. Any future events or appointments booked on the same day will display in an amber colour.