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PAS Patient Registration - Registering Unknown Patients - MIU Staff

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes


Registering Unknown Patients – This is to be used by MIU staff (not RCHT ED/WCH UTC Staff) and only for patients who do not know their own details, won’t give them or are unconscious.

It is important that all MIU staff follow the guidelines below when registering unknown patients.

Certain data fields are mandatory and should NOT be left blank.

  • Surname - Enter UNKNOWN
  • Forename - Enter UNKNOWN
  • Date of Birth - Enter 01/01 - For the patient’s year of birth enter an estimated age for the patient in PAS
  • Sex - Enter M, F or U if unknown
  • Civil Status - Enter U for unknown
  • Address - Enter NOT KNOWN in the 1st, 2rd and 3rd line
  • Postcode - Enter ZZ99 3WZ
  • Data field 15 - Request the relevant hospital number (CR) or press the F1 key for Help.
  • GP - Enter NKGP

It is essential that all Unknown details are updated/merged once the patient details become available.

If you have created an Unknown Patient you MUST contact Data Quality by email or phone 01872 254542 (Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm) to inform them if the patient has or has not been identified, include as much information as possible using options 1, 2 or 3. 

  1. Search the Referrals index thoroughly and if the patient DOES NOT have a previous registration on PAS.  Update the record you created, do not create a new one and continue to use this. Print new labels and wristbands.
  1. Search the Referrals index thoroughly and if the patient DOES have a previous registration, Data Quality will merge these records once you have advised the team of both hospital numbers.

If the patient cannot be identified, you MUST contact Data Quality and advise them of the following:


  1. You have created an Unknown registration; include the hospital number, however you have not been able to obtain the patients correct details.


Please Note: RCHT ED/WCH UTC Staff please follow the Unknown/Unconscious Patient Registration Process. The folders are held in your departments.


PAS Patient Registration - Registering Unknown Patients - MIU Staff