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PAS Patient Registration - Procedure for entering Temporary Addresses

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

Procedure for entering Temporary Addresses

All Out of County and Overseas patients MUST have a temporary address entered onto PAS.

  • Using RI Patient Details (RI) search for and select the patient. From the prompts at the bottom of your screen type O for Other and press the return key, then choose the option T Ay for temporary address. Enter the Temporary Address, for example the holiday address using the Q AyS , if the postcode is known otherwise use free text (Ctrl+F7).
    If you know when a patient will be returning home this information could be entered in the telephone data field (titled Cur Tel), for example RH1230818.
  • Type Ay to Accept where the cursor is located and press the return key.
  • You will then be asked 'Which address is the correspondence address?'' (“P”erm or “T”emp). This can be altered for any letters that are generated from PAS.
PAS Patient Registration - Procedure for entering Temporary Addresses