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PAS Patient Registration - Entering Dentist Details

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

Entering Dentist Details

The dentist details are entered onto the GP etc list. Enter GP from any screen and press the return key. The following screen will display the current and previous GP’s and Dentists.

  • If there is no current Dentist, type N for New and press the return key.
  • Responsibility type, - Press the F1 key for help and select D P Dental Practitioner.
  • Date Registered with GP/DP, - Enter the date if known or type T for today and press the return key.
  • Date ended (Inclusive), - Leave blank if the patient is still registered and press the return key.
  • Registered GP/DP code, - Type the first 3 letters of the dentist’s surname then press the F1 key.
  • A list of dentists matching the details entered will be displayed.
  • Select the correct dentist and practice.
  • Type Ay and press the return key to Accept the information entered.
PAS Patient Registration - Entering Dentist Details