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PAS Outpatients - To Print Clinic Attendance Lists

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

To Print Clinic Attendance Lists

Select PAS USER UTILITIES (M P U S E R) from the menu and then PAS Spoolfile (H Z S P) and the screen below will display all of the prints waiting to be printed from PAS.

Type P for print, then press the return key.

Print type - Enter the Code for the print you require i.e. H 1 4.

Printer, - Select the appropriate printer for this print, press the F1 key for Help.

Type P for print, then press the return key.

If there are a number of lists to print and you only wish to print those you have requested you can enter S E (Select) at the point above and from the next screen select the relevant prints. Type X and press the return key to exit.

Once the print is complete and you have collected it, ensure that you delete the entry.

Type D E then press the return key to Delete.

Print type, - Enter the Code for the print you require i.e. H 1 4.

Delete – Press the F1 key to view and type O for Old documents, then press the return key.

Type Ay and press the return key to Accept any changes.

PAS Outpatients - To Print Clinic Attendance Lists