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PAS Outpatients - Starting a Pathway ID for New Appointments

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

Starting a Pathway ID for New Appointments

You must ensure that the episode has a Pathway ID associated with it.

Once you have booked the appointment

Enter P A L to proceed to the Pathway Allocation screen.

Start New Pathway, - Type S N P and press the return key.

Initiating Provider ,- Enter the appropriate Provider code e.g. RCHT or press the F1 key for Help.

Pathway ID, - Enter the letter Ay press enter and an ID number will automatically be allocated.

Clock Start, – This will default to the date the referral was received. Type Ay and press the return key to Accept the details.

A to Accept, you will be returned to the Book New Appointment screen and the pathway ID number will be shown under field 6.

PAS Outpatients - Starting a Pathway ID for New Appointments