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PAS Outpatients - Amending Appointment Details

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Amending Appointment Details

This will allow you to amend the details of an existing appointment or add in a comment to an appointment.

From your menu select Outpatient Search (H O P S).

Enter the CR Number or Patient Details to search for the patient.

To enable you to amend the appointment details you need to see the appointments available in order to amend the correct one.

Type Ay P P from the screen action prompts at the bottom of the screen and press the return key. You will be taken to the "Appointments" screen which will display outstanding and past appointments.

If the appointment is not visible then use type O Ay for Other Appointments and press the return key to view more.

Type D Y for Display Appointment, plus the line number of the appointment you wish to amend, for example D Y 4 and press the return key. The "Change New Appointment" screen will then be displayed.

Type C for Change, press the return key and add/amend the details as required. Alternatively type C plus the data field number then press the return key to go to a specific field e.g. C 1 1.

Once you have amended the details type Ay and press the return key to Accept any changes.

PAS Outpatients - Amending Appointment Details