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PAS Inpatient - Discharge

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes


Once the episode of care has been completed the patient MUST be discharged from PAS.

From your PAS Inpatient Basic menu select Inpatient Discharge/Send on Leave (H I D I).

Search for and select the patient. This will take you to the Discharge screen.

Discharge Date, - Enter the patient's discharged date. Be aware that if you return through this field it will default to today’s date.

Time, - Enter the time the patient was discharged using the 24 hour clock e.g. 10 pm would be 2 2 0 0. Typing N for Now and pressing return can be entered if you are entering the details as the patient is leaving.

Method of Discharge, - Press the F1 key for help.

Destination, - Press the F1 key to display the Destination on Discharge options, PAS Inpatient - Source of admission and Destination Codes

Destination Location - If the patient is being discharged to a location other than home you MUST enter the alternative location in this and / or the Remarks field.

If the patient is discharged to another hospital within your Provider/Trust you will be required to complete 2 additional fields. ("Hosp. trans to" and "Change Consultant?")

  • Hospital, transferred to, - Type the hospital code the patient has been transferred to then press the return key. Press the F1 key for Help.
  • Change Consultant?, – Type Y for Yes or N for No then press the return key.

VTE Risk Assessment?, – Has a Venous Thromboembolism risk assessment been carried out? Enter Y for Yes or N for No then press the return key.

Type Ay and press the return key to Accept the details.

You can also discharge the patient from the Inpatient Stay movements (H I S M) option. Search for and select the patient.
Select the discharge (D S) option from the screen action prompts and complete the data fields as above.

PAS Inpatient - Discharge