Cornwall NHS Digital Training Portal
Research Monitors
Private Email
Research Monitors
Private Email
(Corporate Domain Addresses) Other eMail login:
The following "Approved" corporate domains will be allowed access to the Digital Training Portal. You can register with your corporate address, then you will be able to login.
List of current approved corporate domains:
To register, click on the "Corporate Register" on the login page.
Corporate Domains: If your corporate domain is not listed and there are staff that require access to the training portal, email with the required domain name and the reason.
(Research Monitors) Other eMail login:
To register, click on the "Corporate Register" on the login page.
Monitor Domains: If your "Monitor" Corporate domain is not listed and there are staff that require access to the training portal, contact the Research and Developement Team supplying the required domain name and the reason.
(Private Addresses) Other eMail login:
Only "Approved" non NHS email addresses will be allowed access to the Digital Training Portal. If you have already been approved and registered, you can login using your email address and password.
If you have not been approved and can't login, then you first must get your non NHS email address approved, to do this follow the steps below:
Notify your NHS Manager, Line Manger or Medical / Agency staffing manager - asking them to sends an email to Request must include:
- Full given name
- eMail Address
- Reason for access with a non NHS email address
Note: We can only accept requests that are sent from a NHS Email Address or approved agency.
On receiving these details, and after checking the user does not have an NHS Email Address, then the private address will be added to our system, and an invite to register will be sent. Once received you can register via the link within the email and thus login to our Training Portal.